💼Goblin Point
In this section you will find all the information related to the GOBLIN POINT, you can find this store by pressing the X key in the safe of any city.
Last updated
In this section you will find all the information related to the GOBLIN POINT, you can find this store by pressing the X key in the safe of any city.
Last updated
It is important to note that any GP you farm from a Stage must be spent before the Stage ends. When a new Stage begins, all unused GP will be reset.
How do I earn Goblin Points?
To earn Goblin Points, you need to stay online (1 GP per hour). You can also obtain them in the following ways:
Mini Invasion
20 GP
Custom Invasion
150 GP
Golden Invasion Tier 1
500 GP
Golden Invasion Tier 2
500 GO
Golden Invasion Tier 3
700 GP
Golden Invasion Tier 4
850 GP
Golden Invasion Tier 5
1000 GP
Proto Drakan
1000 GP
1000 GP
Mini Bosses
250 GP